We are a company based in canada, looking for a freelance web developper / marketer. The successful candidate will work from home, and get his assignement by email and get his salary every two weeks by western Union. We welcome candidates who have other day jobs and want to have a part time job.
You will have to develop web sites, and Develop a custom sales lead generation plan using a powerful mix of channels that might include:
* Search engine optimization (SEO/SEM)
* Social Marketing
* Internet marketing (Online business marketing)
* Direct marketing
As a SEO Analyst, you will be required to:
* Advance knowledge of Internet advertising (MSN ad Center, Google Adwords Overture, banner ads, online newsletters.
* Strong knowledge of,
* Search engine optimization (SEO)
* Social Media Optimization (SMO)
* Local Search Optimization
* Web Analytics
* Custom Search Engines (CSE)
* Pay per Click Advertising (PPC)
* Website marketing techniques, marketing Skills
Salary is 15 K + portion of turnover generated. you may be located anywhere throughout the country